No one is black, no one is white, everyone is gray
Shades of light and dark, in every way
We paint our lives, in hues diverse
Our colors blend, in this diverse universe
We label and judge, we categorize
We see the world through our own eyes
But the truth is, no one is pure
We all have flaws, we all are unsure
We hide our pain, we mask our fears
We put on a show, to hide our tears
We strive for perfection, a mirage we chase
A race we run, without a finish in place
But in this chase, we forget to see
The beauty of life, in its diversity
The moments of joy, the love we share
The magic of life, in its every layer
So let us embrace our shades of gray
And celebrate life, in every way
Let go of the labels, the black and white
And see the beauty, in every sight
For life is a canvas, a work of art
A masterpiece, with every heart
And in this beauty, we all have a part
No one is black, no one is white, we are all a work of art.