"The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us but those who win battles we know nothing about." — Unknown

"Sensitivity is not a weakness, it's a superpower. It allows us to feel, to connect, to empathize, and to love more deeply than those less sensitive to the world around them." — Unknown 

"Be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. In the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul." — Max Ehrmann

—The sensitive people quotes section is a collection of inspirational quotes, sayings and words of wisdom that are designed to help sensitive people deal with their sensitivity.

Some people are more sensitive than others. Some people are more sensitive than others. It is not easy to live among them, but it is also not easy to live without them.

- Anne Frank

Sensitive people quotes are an excellent way of making the world a better place for those who may be struggling with their sensitivity and need some reassurance that they're not alone in this world.

“I'm sensitive to everything. I don't like anything. I don't trust anything. I'm a weirdo,” says the character in the movie, "The Breakfast Club."

Sensitive people are often misunderstood and sometimes even labeled as weak. But at the same time, they are also seen as insightful and creative people who can feel deeply and see things from different perspectives than others.

Sensitive people quotes:

"I am a sensitive person and my feelings get hurt easily."

"Being overly sensitive is a burden for sure."

"I am not a strong person but I am very sensitive."

Sensitive people are often misunderstood. They are often seen as weak or overly emotional. However, sensitive people are actually some of the strongest and most compassionate people you will ever meet. They feel deeply and passionately about things and they are often very creative. If you know a sensitive person, be sure to appreciate them for the amazing people they are. Here are some quotes about sensitive people to help you understand them a little better.

“Sensitive people are the best people. They’re the ones who feel everything, the ones who care the most, the ones who love the deepest. They’re also the ones who get hurt the most and sometimes they have trouble moving on. But they’re worth it. They’re worth the pain and the hurt because they’re the most beautiful people in the world.” – Unknown

“The most sensitive people are usually the ones who feel the most, love the most, and care the most