Research Study about the Psychology of Negativity #1

According to the National Science Foundation, 80% of our thoughts are negative and 95% of our thoughts are repetitive.

Research Study about the Psychology of Negativity # 2

Social Scientists have discovered it takes three positive experiences to offset one negative experience.

Research Study about the Psychology of Negativity # 3

A study on the effect of workplace negativity factors on employee engagement mediated by emotional exhaustion found out that

  • The negative actions of one person and the impact caused may spread among the employees in an organization and can even affect their performance and the organization itself.
  • Abusive supervision and negative gossips have a positive effect on emotional exhaustion which in turn has a negative relationship with employee engagement.
  • Read more about this interesting research study here.

Research Study about the Psychology of Negativity # 4

A research study found that people who exhibited higher repetitive negative thinking patterns experienced more cognitive decline over a four-year period. They also had specific declines in memory (which is an early sign of Alzheimer’s disease), and had more amyloid and tau deposits in their brain.

People who displayed Negative Thinking also exhibited symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Read more here

Research Study about the Psychology of Negativity # 5

Heider(1946, 1958), for example, proposed that if two people share a positive or a negative attitude about a third party, then psychological ‘balance’ is established. Such balance can lead to positive bonding and friendships.

Read more about this research study here

Interpersonal chemistry through negativity:

Bonding by sharing negative attitudes about others

Research Study about the Psychology of Negativity # 6

Because negative information causes a surge in activity in a critical information processing area of the brain, our behaviors and attitudes tend to be shaped more powerfully by bad news, experiences, and information.

That is the reason why people enjoy Negativity more than positivity. But the effects of Negativity can be detrimental. On the other hand, positivity leads to peace of mind and prosperity.

Read more about The Psychology of Negativity on my blog

Types of Negative Thoughts

Diary of a Psycho

Negativity in Psychology

Signs of Negative Energy at Home