Hello everyone,
Summer Courses for kids. All my school life, I always waited for summer vacations. I had so many plans. Whenever I saw a poster about "Summer Courses for kids", I was fascinated with what I could learn in a week.
Candle Making
Resin Art
Fashion Designing
Self Grooming Course
Entrepreneurship course
Gardening courses
Scrapbook courses for kids
Robotics courses
STEM summer courses for kids
Summer Camps
Nature Walks and Exploring Outdoors Programm
Reading, Reading and Reading
The polymath that existed inside me, wanted to learn about everything. Summer courses for kids, there were limitless options
Baking Courses
Math Basic Courses
"For the Love of Reading" summer courses for kids
English Grammar Course
Computer Programming Courses
Web Designer Course
"Make your own website" course
Swimming Lessons
Football Basics and Cricket Matches.
All courses were offered by prestigious institutions and some even offered certificates.
These summer courses for kids offered kids a chance to be excited about their long summer vacations.
Moreover, these summer courses for kids also encouraged kids to find out their passion and adopt new hobbies.
I have always been a big fan of summer courses for kids. I want my kids to enroll in at least one summer course each year.
Creative Writing
Artificial Intelligence Courses
My first Science Experiment
My very first Book.
In this summer course for kids, your kids will be encouraged to write their own book. This is awesome.
Most of these courses have a fee. But some courses are entirely free. Like the courses on Wonderopolis.
I want to start my own academy of summer courses for kids, someday. I will keep it free. 💯 free. I believe and I keep repeating that Education should be free. We are already paying a lot of money for the internet.
I have plans to make it online on a YouTube channel or skillshare or on my website. A proper LMS website.
Diy.org is my inspiration. It used to be free some years back. It would be online but there would be many hands on activities and a project too.
In my planned summer courses for kids, kids have to submit assignments to show their understanding and give a test to get a certificate.
A Girl can dream, right. Law of Attraction, remember. It works.
But you can all apply for the summer courses for kids by Google Digital Garage. Very informative indeed.
I will keep updating this page for summer courses for kids, for all of you. My plans may or may not become a reality, but I will share all summer courses for kids in thus blog post
1 Google Digital Garage ( many certificates and you know Google is the key 🔑 to knowledge)
2. Wonderopolis (tried snd tested, my kiddos love the badges)
3. Diy.org ( Paid options but definitely worth it. I will try it when my kids have researched send enrolled in all free summer courses for kids.
4. Epic Digital Library. If you cannot take your kids to a library every single day, (Although I recommend daily Library visits), there is always Epic Library. One book free everyday. 60 Books Free for 60 Days of Summer Vacations.
5. Google CS First. Teachers can make their own classes and send codes to kids. Printables certificates are awesome.
Stay tuned, more to come
Psychologist Ash